TΘBΘ™ : Radio Frequency Controlled Mobile Sphere is an innovative design to move a ball. New spherical driving methods will give us to make extra-ordinary vehicles. TOBO has dynamism with its motor power and it built by K'nex parts.

Spherical micro-robots could explore Mars

31 Mart 2009 Salı zaman: 22:44

There are hundreds of micro-robotic spheres, which could explore planets like Mars one day. They are just waiting testing by scientists back on earth. These micro-robots are capable of landing on the surface of another planet. They are arranged in a capsule like eggs in a carton. 

A balloon floating above the surface can drop them onto the planet. Their spherical shape would help them to move by rolling and bouncing. The micro-robotic spheres can alter their overall shape by being powered by artificial muscles.

Küresel mikro robotlar Mars'ı keşfedecek.

Alıntı: NewScientist

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